This post updates an older post with new information. I am adamantly against the character of the current "seniors residential building" rezoning proposal. Approval of this rezoning will unnecessarily restrict the uses on the site. I also think the current massing also lends itself to a "soviet style" of social housing with very little animated public space. You can see all the details to the proposal at the City of Ottawa web site at Rezoning Loblaws. I see these concepts as warehousing solutions and also as one of the reasons why people over 65 years old don't move from their single family homes to more compact and socially vibrate urban environments. Who wants to be surrounded by other old people and what young people want to visit a seniors residence? Why are we still building these things when you only go there at a time that you have no other option (5 to 6% of people over 65, 60% plus still living in single family homes). Why can't we have the same kind of resources in mixed age and use buildings? How can we also leverage the needs of other groups, like the physically and/or mentally challenged and those that are less well off? We can and we should. It is more affordable and leads to better health outcomes for all.
The Loblaws Superstore site can create spaces where:
- people with challenges can be safe,
- young and old with fewer skills and/or abilities can find a place to work in that safe environment,
- businesses can set up to service both the general population and those with challenges,
- end of life services are available to people who are just dying from old age,
- daycares mix with elder care
- you move into your home and you don't ever need to move out
We need to demand more from our politicians, developers, architects and planners.
I had put the video up on my Youtube Channel so that people could see how a concept using 15 identical building could create an area of secure plazas with open space, vibrant and animated landscape of buildings, lots of parking and room for active storefronts, all of which can be developed in a staged and affordable way.
If you think this is an idea that at least needs to be considered then send a link of this article (, the youtube video and previous articles to your councillor, MPP, MP and if you have friends in the business like planners, architects, builders and developers.